What is a growler filling station?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is a growler filling station?

While some own their own kegerator, others turn to the growler as a solution to bring draft beer home or take it on-the-go. Growler users fill up these vessels at the nearest growler filling station, a system that has multiple faucets for customers to fill from.

How does a growler filler work?

Some places that fill growlers will purge the oxygen from the container before filling it by blasting the inside with CO2 for a few seconds. This is known as counter pressure filling, and it helps keep the beer carbonated longer.

What does it cost to fill a growler?

The average cost for a fill growler fills for $9 (or 14? an ounce) or less are typically good bets. Never pay more than $15 for a growler fill unless it is a special release or uncommon ale type. Certainly don’t buy it unless you have a taste first!

How do you fill a growler?

How to Fill a Beer Growler

  1. Clean and Sanitize the Growler, Cap, and Tubing.
  2. Chill Your Growler.
  3. Secure the Tubing to the Desired Beer Tap.
  4. Reduce the PSI.
  5. Purge Growler with CO.
  6. Fill from the Bottom, Up.
  7. Capping on Foam.
  8. Wipe down the Surface.

What is the purpose of a growler?

For those not yet in the know, a growler is a container typically made out of glass, ceramic or aluminum, that is used to transport beer. An air-tight jug, it allows you to take draft beer from one place to another without losing quality.

Why is it called a growler?

Beginning as early as the late 1800s, tin pails, pitchers, glass jars or jugs, or other vessels were used to carry beer home from the local pub. These “growlers” supposedly got their name because as the beer sloshed around, it caused the carbon dioxide to escape and created a growling noise.

Can any bar fill a growler?

First you’ll need to find a place that fills them. Unfortunately, not every bar that serves draft beer will be willing to fill your growler. I’ve also found that places that have a great selection of craft beer on tap will sometimes fill a growler, even if they don’t advertise it to the general public.

Why do they call it a growler of beer?

Where can I get a growler filled?

Whole Foods You can also shop for groceries and get your growler filled at several Whole Foods in North Texas. The stores in Lakewood, Highland Park, Park Lane and Addison all sell growlers and will fill growlers.

How long is a growler fill good for?

No matter how the growler is filled, most max out their freshness at around two days after opening. Prior to opening, it depends on a few factors. At The Bottle Shop, their beers typically last around three days before being cracked.

Where to fill my Growler?

Though better known for its impressive wine offerings, the Winery in Germantown is another great spot to fill up your growler. If you’re living in Germantown or just happen enjoy that part of town, keep your clean growler on hand.

Can you fill any Growler at any brewery?

Right now, beer drinkers can only fill up growlers, which are usually steel or glass jugs, at the breweries that the growlers came from. So, you can only fill a Stone Brewing growler at Stone Brewing. AB-647, which recently passed the California Senate, would allow you to bring any growler to any brewery and say, “fill ‘er up!”.

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