What are the built in functions in PeopleCode?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What are the built in functions in PeopleCode?

The PeopleCode built-In functions and language constructs beginning with the letter S are listed in alphabetical order within this topic. Related Links Typographical Conventions ScheduleProcess Syntax

How does PeopleTools work with plain text files?

PeopleTools supports reading and writing to plain text files, and to files that have a format based on a File Layout definition that has been created in Application Designer. If the file is a plain text file, data is read or written using text strings. If the file is based on a File Layout, you can use text strings, rowset, or record objects.

How are file objects passed to and returned from PeopleCode?

A file object is passed to and returned from PeopleCode functions and methods as a reference, so the file object is never copied; rather, alternate identifiers are used to refer to the same object. Any change made to a file using one identifier has the same effect as it would with any other identifier for that file.

How to use scheduleprocess function in PeopleCode?

Use the ScheduleProcess function to schedule a process or job, writing a row of data to the Process Request table (PSPRCSRQST). Note: This function is no longer supported. Use the CreateProcessRequest function instead. Related Links CreateProcessRequest ScrollFlush Syntax ScrollFlush(scrollpath) Where scrollpath is:

The PeopleCode built-In functions and language constructs beginning with the letter D are listed in alphabetical order within this topic. The Date function takes a number in the form YYYYMMDD and returns a corresponding Date value. If the date is invalid, Date displays an error message. Warning!

How to use the else keyword in PeopleCode?

Use the Else keyword to create an else clause in an if block. See If for more information. Use the EnableMenuItem function to enable (make available for selection) the specified menu item. To apply this function to a pop-up menu, use the PrePopup Event of the field with which the pop-up menu is associated.

How to use datetimetoiso function in PeopleCode?

Use the DatetimeToISO function to convert the text value textdatetime (as a base time zone time) to a DateTime value in ISO 8601 format. This function automatically calculates whether daylight saving time is in effect for the given textdatetime.

Where do I find the PeopleCode function in Excel?

PeopleCode programs on other fields and rows execute as usual. A string that must be enclosed in quotes containing the message text you want displayed. A string that must be enclosed in quotes containing the title of the message. It appears in the message box title bar.

Categories: Helpful tips