How do you view character pages in AQW?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How do you view character pages in AQW?

To view your character page click on your portrait and chose “Char Page”. Click on the Profile Pic to make yourself a 800×800 image of your character to use on Facebook, Twitter etc. Next are all of your Achievements! Hover your mouse cursor over an achievement to view its details.

How do I change my character background in AQW?

Members can now change the backgrounds on their character pages! All you need to do is explore your favorite maps and click the Set Background buttons that you find to pick your new background.

Where can I find Artix?

Artix can be found at the door of the Necropolis and at the entrance of Amityvale’s graveyard.

Is AQW Still Alive 2020?

The game launcher ensures that AQWorlds will continue to work, even after browsers stop supporting Flash Player in December 2020. If you are using the Artix game launcher, you can continue to play AQW as normal.

How do I recover my Aqw account?

To retrieve your game account information, and reset your password: Go to the Forgot Password page on the AQW game Account Manage site, and enter the Contact email address for your AQW game account.

Who is artix wife?

Michelle Chang
The wedding of Adam Bohn, creator of the video game AdventureQuest Worlds and founder/CEO of Artix Entertainment’s, and his bride, Michelle Chang, took place at the Lowes Don Caesar Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Is artix an entertainment?

Artix Entertainment, LLC is an independent video game developer and publisher founded by Adam Bohn (better known to players by his pseudonym, Artix Krieger) in October 2002….Artix Entertainment.

Type Private
Key people Adam Bohn (CEO)
Products AdventureQuest AdventureQuest Worlds DragonFable MechQuest

How many players does Aqw have?

At the beginning the total player count would be around 30k but nowadays most you’d see is 10k and that is usually if there is an event that everyone is excited about. The most populated server today, Artix, usually has either 2.5k players online or near 3k. Other servers go as high as 800.

Categories: Helpful tips