How much does it cost to get a summary offense expunged in PA?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How much does it cost to get a summary offense expunged in PA?

When filing an expungement, a petition and order must be submitted, along with a PA State Police background check. These forms can be found on the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Court (AOPC) website. There is a $167 filing fee associated with all expungement petitions.

What offenses can be expunged in PA?

The expanded list of offenses that are now eligible to be expunged includes substance-related offenses such as DUI’s and controlled substance and drug paraphernalia possession, as well as 2nd-degree misdemeanors such as larceny, identity theft, and reckless endangerment.

How long do you have to wait to get your record expunged in PA?

5 years
Other summary offense: A person is eligible to have a conviction record expunged after 5 years, so long as they have been free from arrest or prosecution during that time.

How can I get my record expunged for free in Pennsylvania?

You can take a free Pennsylvania expungement test at to see if you are eligible for expungement. If your offense was a summary offense (minor offenses such as underage drinking, highway obstruction, and retail theft), you may be eligible to expunge your criminal record.

Can you expunge a felony in PA?

Generally, the only way to remove a felony or misdemeanor conviction from your record in Pennsylvania is by receiving a pardon from the Governor. These convictions cannot be expunged by a court, unless you are over 70 years old and meet other conditions.

What does expungement mean in Pennsylvania?

What is Expungement? Expungement means having a record that is concealed. Under Pennsylvania Law, 18 Pa. C.S. § 9122 certain persons may obtain permission to have their criminal records removed from the files of criminal justice agencies in Pennsylvania.

Do I have to declare a caution to my employer?

Once a caution, reprimand, conviction or final warning is spent, you don’t need to disclose it to most employers. It is against the law for an employer to investigate spent convictions unless you are applying for a job which is exempt from this Act.

Can expungement clean my criminal record in Pennsylvania?

Expungement, at least in Pennsylvania, means your criminal record is fully destroyed – so no one can see it, even the courts or police. So, if you are applying for a job or apartment that requires a criminal background check, those records should no longer show up if they’ve been expunged. It’s considered a “full remedy,” as Gullen puts it.

What do you need to know about summary offenses in Pennsylvania?

A summary offense is the most minor type of criminal offense in Pennsylvania, and is often called a “non-traffic citation.”. Summary offenses can include disorderly conduct, loitering, harassment, and low-level retail theft, among others. A conviction for a summary offense usually results in a fine.

How do I get an expungement for a felony in Pennsylvania?

Requirements for Felony Expungement in PA. To obtain an expungement in Pennsylvania, a convict must be over 70 and not have been arrested or charged with a crime in the previous 10 years; be deceased for at least three years; or have already received a pardon from the governor.

How to get a DUI expunged in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, you can get a DUI expunged from your record by completing the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program. ARD is meant to be an alternative to the traditional trial process. When you opt for the ARD program, you will not need to plead guilty to the charges. A court will drop the charges once you have completed probation.

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