What is the color code for aquamarine?
What is the color code for aquamarine?
Named after the mineral donning the color, aquamarine is a delicate mixture of green, cyan, and blue. The aquamarine hex code is #7FFFD4.
What colors are in aquamarine?
Aquamarine’s color range is very narrow: It can be blue, very slightly greenish blue, greenish blue, very strongly greenish blue, or green-blue. The gem’s most valuable color is a dark blue to slightly greenish blue with moderately strong intensity.
What color is #7fffd4?
#7fffd4 color name is Aquamarine color. #7fffd4 hex color red value is 127, green value is 255 and the blue value of its RGB is 212. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #7fffd4 hue: 0.44 , saturation: 1.00 and the lightness value of 7fffd4 is 0.75.
How do you make turquoise in RGB?
Information about Turquoise / #30D5C8 In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #30D5C8 is made of 18.8% red, 83.5% green and 78.4% blue.
What does the color aquamarine symbolize?
Aquamarine is also associated with tranquility, serenity, clarity, and harmony. As the first of the spring birthstones, the sea blue crystal represents transformation and rebirth. It embodies youthful vitality, purity, loyalty, hope, and truth.
How do you make aquamarine color?
Cyan is considered a primary color in photography and color printing and a secondary light color. You can wave your paintbrush (or a light wand) and make an aqua color by combining a light shade of blue and green or a lot of blue with a little yellow.
Is raw aquamarine expensive?
Past 10 carats, mid-range aquamarines can cost between $150 and $200 per carat. High quality aquamarines are much more expensive. An unheated light blue stone can cost you around $90 per carat, while a light blue-green stone can cost you anywhere between $180 to $240 per carat.
Is Aquamarine closer to blue or green?
Aquamarine is a color that is a light tint of spring green, in between cyan and green on the color wheel.
Is dark turquoise blue or green?
Dark Turquoise color is primarily a color from Green color family. It is a mixture of cyan color.
Is teal and turquoise the same color?
Turquoise is a color that balances blue, green and yellow, but it also can be linked to emotional balance. Teal is a medium to deep blue-green color. It is made by combining blue and green pigments into a white base.
Is aquamarine stone expensive?
High quality aquamarines are much more expensive. An unheated light blue stone can cost you around $90 per carat, while a light blue-green stone can cost you anywhere between $180 to $240 per carat.
What color is an aquamarine?
An aquamarine brooch. Aquamarine is a color that is a light bluish tint of green that is in-between cyan and spring green on the color wheel.
Is aquamarine a shade of cyan?
Aquamarine is a shade of cyan toned towards green. Electric blue is a color close to cyan that is a representation of the color of lightning, an electric spark, and argon signs; it is named after the ionized air glow produced during electrical discharges.
How can I get RGB value from color?
Manual Way To Find RGB Color Code Select a cell that contains the fill color you want to lookup Click the Paint Bucket button on your Home Ribbon tab Select the More Colors option Go to the Custom tab and make sure Color Model = RGB You will now see the RGB color code for your selected cell’s fill
Does Adobe RGB have more colours than sRGB?
The most significant difference between these two color spaces lies in the fact that Adobe RGB has a wider color gamut. It is able to represent roughly thirty-five percent more color ranges than sRGB, which are mostly more greens and blues .