What are nursing considerations for Zofran?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What are nursing considerations for Zofran?

Instruct patient to report bothersome side effects such as severe or prolonged headache, weakness, fatigue, or GI problems (diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, dry mouth).

What should you assess before giving allopurinol?

Assess heart rate, ECG, and heart sounds, especially during exercise (See Appendices G, H). Report an abnormally slow heart rate (bradycardia) or symptoms of other arrhythmias such as including palpitations, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, fainting, and fatigue/weakness.

Which instruction should be given to a patient taking allopurinol?

Allopurinol oral is taken by mouth. Take allopurinol oral with a full glass of water. To reduce your risk of kidney stones forming, drink 8 to 10 full glasses of fluid every day, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Take allopurinol oral after a meal if allopurinol upsets your stomach.

What drugs Cannot be taken with allopurinol?

Serious Interactions of Allopurinol include:

  • azathioprine.
  • benazepril.
  • captopril.
  • didanosine.
  • dyphylline.
  • enalapril.
  • perindopril.
  • protamine.

What’s the side effects of Zofran?

Headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, tiredness, or constipation may occur. If these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

Why do you push Zofran slowly?

This drug is usually started 30 minutes before your chemotherapy treatment begins. Do not give this medication any faster than recommended or take more than the recommended dose because this may increase the chance of serious side effects such as blurred vision or slowed/irregular heartbeat.

What are 4 adverse symptoms should a patient who is taking allopurinol for gout report to their health care provider?

Symptoms may include: skin rash, fever, swollen glands, muscle aches, severe weakness, unusual bruising, or yellowing of your skin or eyes.

How long does it take for allopurinol to lower uric acid levels?

It can take 2-3 months to become fully effective. It does not have any effect during a gout attack, although you should continue to take it regularly every day even if this happens. During the first few weeks of taking allopurinol, your blood levels of uric acid may rise for a short while before they fall.

Should allopurinol be taken in the morning or at night?

Allopurinol is usually taken once daily. However, if your dose is more than 300 mg, your doctor may advise you to take your medicine twice a day. Then, it should be taken morning and night, after breakfast and dinner.

What are the nursing implications of allopurinol medication?

Nursing Implications. Allopurinol is used for the treatment of gout and helps by relieving pain. A potential nursing diagnosis for a patient on this medication is acute pain. Nursing implications (things that should be known or watched for) include:

Is it safe to breast feed while taking allopurinol?

Do not drive or engage in potentially hazardous activities until response to drug is known. Remain under medical supervision while taking allopurinol (generally continued indefinitely); drug can cause severe adverse reactions. Do not breast feed while taking this drug without consulting physician.

How to prevent renal stone development with allopurinol?

Physical: Skin lesions, color; orientation, reflexes; liver evaluation, normal urinary output; normal output; CBC, LFTs, renal function tests, urinalysis Administer drug following meals. Encourage patient to drink 2.5 to 3 L/day to decrease the risk of renal stone development.

When to discontinue allopurinol after skin rash?

Check urine alkalinity—urates crystallize in acid urine; sodium bicarbonate or potassium citrate may be ordered to alkalinize urine. WARNING: Discontinue drug at first sign of skin rash; severe to fatal skin reactions have occurred. Arrange for regular medical follow-up and blood tests. Take the drug after meals.

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