What is APA style research paper
What is APA style research paper
What is APA style research paper is written in accordance with this style. Writing a research paper needs a lot of patience and hard work.
Research is a scientific tool to study and analyze different problems, has immense value. It studies them in a pure scientific spirit, which is with a view to understand their structure. A researcher collects and records the significant facts and figures of problems and this in turn, makes possible correct generalizations about them. By unraveling the intricacies of phenomenon it helps to forecast about them.
The basic motivation of research is to understand sooner or later correctly the nature of any events and processes. The research helps in removal of ignorance. Where there is knowledge, ignorance cannot exist. The best way of removing superstitions, blind beliefs etc., is to transplant true knowledge in their stead. For example, before the intensive social research into crime, the social causes of crime were not realized and people thought that propensity to crime were inherited. But now all this has changed, thanks to social research, we no longer divide people into criminal and non criminal tribes.
We know what are the social surroundings which encourage criminal tendencies in man. Much of the difficulty we encounter today is due to ignorance. The cure for these situations is new knowledge.
In APA style of citing a research writing you will need one inch of margin in each of the four sides of the paper, i.e. top, bottom, right and left sides. You need to use white bond paper and you have to print on one side of it. You should use good quality laser printer so the paper looks good. You have to use double spacing in the whole paper and in every occasion like headings, reference, quotation etc. You need to number every page in a consecutive manner using Arabic numerals in upper left hand side of every page. All the pages should be numbered even the title page and the reference page. You should also use a short title in the paper.
The custom research paper will start with the cover page which will contain vital information like the name and place of the study, the course and the guide name and others. It will be followed by the acknowledgment section and abstract of the paper. The abstract will give the reader an idea of what to expect from the rest of the paper. The index page contains the page numbers of other sections of the paper.
The introduction , thesis statement, literature survey and the background study all these comes at the first part of the custom paper and gives the reader a basic idea about the topic.
The research methodology is the next part. The sampling design, data collection and the analysis are the sections of this part. The conclusion is the final section and it is ended by bibliography and the reference section.
APA style research paper is written following this particular style. You can go through APA manuals for more information about this style of writing.