What is the working principle of spherometer?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is the working principle of spherometer?

The working principle of a spherometer is based on the micrometer screw. It is used for measuring with a small thickness of flat materials such as glass or for measuring the radius of curvature of a spherical surface.

What is spherometer with example?

To Determine Radius Of Curvature Of A Given Spherical Surface By A Spherometer. A spherometer is a measuring device which has a metallic triangular frame supported on three legs. The tips of the three legs form an equilateral triangle and lie on the radius.

Why do Spherometers have three legs?

Spherometers have three legs that form an equilateral triangle. Recall from geometry that three points determine a plane, so the three legs will always touch the glass. In this way a spherometer can measure both a positively or negatively curved surface to high accuracy.

Why is spherometer used?

A spherometer is an instrument used for the precise measurement of the radius of curvature of a sphere or a curved surface. Originally, these instruments were primarily used by opticians to measure the curvature of the surface of a lens.

Why spherometer is called spherometer?

A spherometer basically is a precision instrument to measure very small lengths. Its name reflects the way it is used to measure the radii of curvature of spherical surfaces.

Why the instrument is known as spherometer?

What is the radius of curvature formula?

Radius of Curvature Formula R= 1/K, where R is the radius of curvature and K is the curvature.

Where is spherometer used?

Why is it called a spherometer?

A spherometer basically is a precision instrument to measure very small lengths. Its name reflects the way it is used to measure the radii of curvature of spherical surfaces. It is based on the principle of screw. The small graduations on the old spherometer are 0.001 mm.

What is application of spherometer?

The Spherometer is a device use in measuring the radius of curvature of a spherical surface. For an example, it can be used to measure the thickness of a microscope slide or the depth of depression in a slide. Even the curvature of a ball can be measured using a Spherometer.

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