How can you use facade in a sentence?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How can you use facade in a sentence?

Façade sentence example

  1. On each side of the facade is a massive tower of four storeys.
  2. His facade of disinterest infuriated her.
  3. The entire facade troubled Adrienne.
  4. Under that facade of indifference beats a heart primed for breaking.

What are examples of facade?

The definition of a facade is the front of a building facing a public space or an artificial front or appearance by someone. An example of facade is the front of the local mall. An example of facade is the putting on of a smile when really feeling quite upset.

What does facade mean in a sentence?

1 : the front of a building the facade of the bank the windowless façade of the skyscraper a brick facade. 2 : a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation They were trying to preserve the facade of a happy marriage.

How do you use Yahoo in a sentence?

Yahoo in a Sentence 🔉

  1. One day in her classroom, Ms.
  2. Every time the mother and her two-year old son went to the grocery store, her yahoo would turn into a different child throwing a temper tantrum and being completely out of control.

What is a facade personality?

A facade is a form of personality change that one acts out to fulfill a particular emotion they wish to portray. There are many reasons a child may put up a facade. If their unhappiness is due to bullying or other school issues, a child may put up a facade at home because they may feel ashamed or embarrassed.

How would you describe a facade?

A facade is the front of a building, or a kind of front people put up emotionally. If you’re mad but acting happy, you’re putting up a facade. A person putting on a facade is definitely putting on a front: the face they’re showing to the world doesn’t match how they’re feeling.

What kind of word is facade?

A facade is the front of a building, or a kind of front people put up emotionally. If you’re mad but acting happy, you’re putting up a facade. This word has to do with the outer layer of something. One sense has to do with the front or outside of a building.

What is Yahoo explain?

Yahoo! is an Internet portal that incorporates a search engine and a directory of World Wide Web sites organized in a hierarchy of topic categories. As a directory, it provides both new and seasoned Web users the reassurance of a structured view of hundreds of thousands of Web sites and millions of Web pages.

Is Yahoo an interjection?

YAHOO (interjection) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Why do people put up facade?

Facades serve a primary purpose and that is to make us appear more appealing to others. They allow us in some ways to get our needs met from those in our lives, by friends, family, lovers, colleagues or other people whose attention we want to attract.

How do you use facade?

To use a Facade, simply place it on a Pipe and it will hide that side of the Pipe. To detach it ‘Shift+Right-click’ with a Facade in hand. Furthermore a Facade provides a solid side to a pipe, where buttons, levers or item frames can be attached. A Facade is purely aesthetic and do not prevent pipes from connecting.

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