What is Multi Pilot License?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is Multi Pilot License?

According to information on ICAO’s website, “The MPL allows a pilot to exercise the privileges of a co-pilot in a commercial air transportation on multi-crew aeroplanes. MPL training and assessment will be competency-based and involve a multi-crew environment and threat and error management from the onset.

How do I get my MPL license?

The MPL only includes instrument rating privileges for multi-pilot operations….Requirements

  1. You will need to be at least 18 years old.
  2. You will need to complete a training course of theoretical knowledge and flight instruction at an approved training organisation (ATO).

What does a multi-crew pilot do?

The multi-crew pilot license (MPL) is a pilot training scheme adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2006 in which an individual is allowed to serve as a first officer of an airliner with limited training and knowledge of only certain job requirements pertaining to one aircraft type.

What is the maximum age for a pilot license?

The minimum age to receive your pilot’s license in the United States is 17, and there is no maximum age for being a private pilot. However, airline pilots in the United States currently have a forced retirement age of 65.

What is the difference between MPL and CPL?

Since the MPL is so streamlined and so specific, it will cost less to get the MPL as compared to getting a CPL. Similar to the CPL, after getting the required pre-requisites (in terms of flying hours), you will be upgraded to a CAAS ATP.

What is MPL course?

The aim of the integrated MPL training course is to obtain a multi-pilot licence (MPL) and be trained to the level necessary to operate as co-pilot in a multi-engine, multi-pilot, turbine-powered commercial air transport aeroplane under visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR).

What is the difference between MPL and Cpl?

Can I use MPL license commercial?

Users of MPL 2.0-licensed code may: Use the code in commercial applications. MPL’d code can be included in software that’s sold commercially.

What’s the difference between ATPL and MPL?

Whilst the ATPL licence by name is an Airline Transport Pilot Licence, the MPL focusses much more on airline operations from the very beginning of the in-aircraft phase and replaces many of the single-pilot elements of flight training with multi-crew operations and procedures the trainee would eventually follow.

Can I become a pilot at 50?

Regardless of how old you are, you can get into the cockpit and enjoy flying lessons. So, there is no maximum age limit for pilot training.

Can I be a pilot at 40?

There is no maximum age to become a pilot with the exception of working as an airline pilot. By law, airline pilots are required to retire at 65. So while 40 isn’t too old to become a pilot, you might face a couple of issues along the way, including your health and current commitments.

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