How do I include negative decimal numbers in this regular expression?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How do I include negative decimal numbers in this regular expression?

Some Regular expression examples:

  1. Positive Integers: ^\d+$
  2. Negative Integers: ^-\d+$
  3. Integer: ^-?\d+$
  4. Positive Number: ^\d*\. ?\d+$
  5. Negative Number: ^-\d*\. ?\d+$
  6. Positive Number or Negative Number: ^-?\d*\.{0,1}\d+$
  7. Phone number: ^\+?[\d\s]{3,}$
  8. Phone with code: ^\+?[\d\s]+\(?[\d\s]{10,}$

What are some examples of using negative numbers?

Negative numbers are commonly used in describing below freezing point temperature, credit of money, elevation below sea level, elevator level when it is below the ground level, negative scoring in exams, as a penalty in quizzes/games, etc.

Does decimal include negative values?

When calculating with a DECIMAL column, it has a 65-digit level of precision. If UNSIGNED is used with DECIMAL , negative values are not allowed.

How do you express a negative number?

Negative numbers are usually written with a minus sign in front. For example, −3 represents a negative quantity with a magnitude of three, and is pronounced “minus three” or “negative three”.

What means regex?

regular expression
A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp; also referred to as rational expression) is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. Usually such patterns are used by string-searching algorithms for “find” or “find and replace” operations on strings, or for input validation.

What is the positive of a negative integer?

When a negative integer is multiplied by another negative integer, the product is positive. Example, -4 x -4 = 16. Similarly, dividing a negative integer by another negative integer results in a positive quotient. Multiplication of a positive integer by another negative integer results in a negative product.

Is a negative number bigger than a decimal?

Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal. When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. A positive number is always greater than a negative number.

What is the smallest negative number?

If you move towards negative infinity the negative integers become smaller and smaller. There are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity. Therefore, there is no smallest negative integer. Hence the smallest negative integer does not exist.

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