What causes platelets to clump together?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What causes platelets to clump together?

Causes of platelet clumping include platelet activation (due to traumatic venipuncture) and EDTA-dependent antibodies that react with platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa. In the latter case, the clumping can be corrected by using blood collection tubes containing an alternative anticoagulant, such as sodium citrate.

What is platelet clumping?

Platelet clumping is a common laboratory phenomenon that complicates or precludes reporting of platelet count. It is often, but not always, a phenomenon commonly caused by the anticoagulant EDTA.

What causes platelets to clump in EDTA?

2, 3 Platelet clumping in the presence of EDTA is caused by an autoantibody against glycoprotein IIb/IIIa located on the cell membrane of platelets. 4, 5 Although other anticoagulants such as heparin and sodium citrate rarely induce such a phenomena, it is possible.

How do you stop platelets from clumping?

Many labs will have an alternate tube drawn or use another method to help resolve the clumping. Less commonly used tubes are CTAD (trisodium citrate, theophylline, adenosine, dipyridamole) and heparin. CTAD acts directly on platelets and inhibits platelet factor 4 thus minimizing platelet activation.

Is platelet clumping serious?

Platelet clumping occurs when the blood platelets responsible for coagulation stick to one another to form clusters. The presence of platelet clumping has no clinical consequences other than preventing instruments from properly counting blood platelets.

How do you test for platelet clumping?

A platelet aggregation test requires a blood sample. The sample is initially examined to see how the platelets are distributed through the plasma, the liquid part of the blood. A chemical is then added to your blood sample to test how quickly your platelets clot.

Can platelet clumping cause blood clots?

If your blood has too many platelets, you may have a higher risk of blood clots. When the cause is unknown, this is called thrombocythemia.

What medications can cause platelet clumping?


  • Furosemide.
  • Gold, used to treat arthritis.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Penicillin.
  • Quinidine.
  • Quinine.
  • Ranitidine.
  • Sulfonamides.

Do low platelets make you feel tired?

Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) definition and facts. Symptoms and signs of thrombocytopenia may include fatigue, bleeding, and others.

How can I restore my platelets?

These tips can help you understand how to raise your blood platelet count with foods and supplements.

  1. Eating more leafy greens.
  2. Eating more fatty fish.
  3. Increasing folate consumption.
  4. Avoiding alcohol.
  5. Eating more citrus.
  6. Consuming more iron-rich foods.
  7. Trying a chlorophyll supplement.

How are platelets clumped in the blood stream?

Platelet Clumping. Platelet clumping occurs when the blood platelets responsible for coagulation stick to one another to form clusters. The presence of platelet clumping has no clinical consequences other than preventing instruments from properly counting blood platelets. Platelet clumps tend to form in samples collected with difficulty…

How are platelets clumped in a lavender top tube?

Platelet clumps tend to form in samples collected with difficulty and in a small number of individuals (about 1/2000) whose platelets react with the EDTA anticoagulant in lavender-top tubes. When the number of platelets measured by the instrument is normal, the presence of platelet clumping is of little clinical significance.

What do you look for on a blood film?

Platelet anisocytosis refers to a significant variation in the size of platelets on a blood film. In a patient with new or worsening thrombocytopaenia, look for clumping of platelets which would result in a factitiously low platelet count. Want more info like this?

What causes platelet clumping in a capillary EDTA?

This is likely due to not mixing the sample immediately upon collection, or mixing it too vigorously. Capillary EDTA tubes are especially susceptible to platelet clumping during collection if the site wasn’t prewarmed and the tube fills slowly.

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