What are the conjugations of IR?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What are the conjugations of IR?

Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Ir (to Go)

Conjugation Translation
yo voy I go
tú vas You (informal) go
él/ella/ello/uno va He/she/one goes
usted va You (formal) go

What are the conjugation endings for IR?

Verbs ending in -ir belong to the second conjugation and form their present tense stem by losing the -ir from the infinitive. The present tense endings for -ir verbs are:-is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent. Remember the extra syllable in the nous and vous forms.

How do you conjugate IR in present progressive?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb ir in Present Progressive tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Tu estás yendo
El/Ella está yendo
Nosotros estamos yendo
Vosotros estáis yendo

What is the preterite conjugation of IR?

Ir Conjugation: Preterite Tense

yo fui
él/ella fue
ns. fuimos
vs. fuisteis

How do you use IR in present tense?

Verbs with infinitives ending in –ir form a third group of regular verbs, often called third conjugation verbs. To form the present tense conjugations of these verbs, drop the –ir from the infinitive and add the third conjugation endings (-o, -es, -e, -imos, -en) to the resulting stem.

What does IR turn into?

The Spanish verb IR (to go) is one of the most commonly used verbs in Spanish. It can be used for everything from announcing where you are going to what you are going to do. The verb Ir happens to be a highly irregular verb….Spanish Verb IR.

Pronoun Present tense of ir
Nosotros/as vamos
Vosotros/as vais
Uds., ellos, ellas van

How do you use IR in a sentence?

Here are a few examples of how you can use ir in a Spanish sentence:

  1. English: I go to the bank two times per week.
  2. English: I’m going out (or I’m going to go out).
  3. English: This is the last day I go to university.
  4. English: Relax, you go with time to spare (or you have time to spare).
  5. English: I’m leaving.

How do you use IR?

How to use the Spanish verb ‘ir’ (to go)

  1. To discuss where you go regularly, eg. “Voy al colegio” (I go to school).
  2. To talk about future travel plans, eg. “Iré a la playa el viernes” (I’ll go to the beach on Friday).
  3. To talk about places you’ve visited in the past, eg.
  4. To say where you need to go today, eg.

What do you use after IR?

The Spanish Verb IR (to go) If you want to say, I am going to the beach, in English, you know that you’ll have to add the word “to” after the verb “to go.” Similarly, in Spanish, the verb ir is almost always followed by “a.” For example, the preceding sentence would be translated as: voy a la playa.

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