What percentile is 157 on GRE?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What percentile is 157 on GRE?

75th percentile
A score of 157, which is in the 75th percentile, means you scored better than 75% of the test takers, something of which you can be very proud. A score in this range is something you can apply to most graduate programs with strong hope to get in without re-taking the GRE.

Is 70th percentile good GRE?

For example, if you score in the 70th percentile, then you scored better than 70% of test takers in that category….GRE Score Percentiles.

Verbal Quantitative
80 – 90% 158 – 161 162 – 165
70 – 80% 156 – 157 156 – 157
60 – 70% 153 – 155 156 – 157
50 – 60% 151 – 152 153 – 155

What percentile is 154 on GRE?

50th percentile
A 154 in GRE Quant is 50th percentile for the section. So here, 154 is your minimum to be above the 50th.

What percentile is a 146 on the GRE?

GRE Score Percentiles

Score Verbal Percentile Quant
148 39 30
147 35 27
146 31 24
145 27 20

Is 139 a good GRE score?

That’s all! But, for more context, the bottom 10% of test-takers score below 139 in Verbal and 141 in Quant. Again—very generally! —a good goal is to score better than average on the GRE….

Average Score Percentile
Quantitative 153.66 50th (154)
AWA 3.60 37th (3.5) – 54th (4.0)

Is 300 a low GRE score?

A total score of 325 and above should help you to get admission into the topmost colleges. However, even a score above 300 is good enough for MS. Nursing: A score ranging between 305 and 316 can be considered a good GRE score for anyone who wants to take admission in nursing.

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