What is the future of communication?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is the future of communication?

According to the poll, the most popular way of communicating in the future will be by wearable technology, including smart watches and augmented reality glasses. More than half of young people said that they think they’ll spend too much time online and not enough talking to people face to face in the future.

What is the future of information and communication technology?

It is clear that in the coming decades information and communication technologies (ICT or IT) will affect and reshape most parts of our society. It will come to radically influence the global economy, and, to an unknown degree, our culture and the way we perceive the world, our relationship to it, and our actions.

What is communication technology PPT?

COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY It uses equipment and systems to send and receive information.  This technology communicates information using graphic and wave systems.  Graphic comes from a word meaning “to draw or write, as on paper.”  Wave refers to radio waves, a kind of energy.

Where is communication going in the future?

In the distant future, we may be able to communicate by sending our thoughts through a network directly into someone else’s brain. We’re decades away from such technology, but scientists are working on creating brain-computer interfaces that allow people to transmit thoughts directly to a computer.

What are the benefits of ICT in the future?

It is believed that the use of ICT in education can increase access to learning opportunities. It can help to enhance the quality of education with advanced teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and enable reform or better management of education systems.

What will be the future of technology?

Emerging technologies, such as industrial robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, are advancing at a rapid pace. These developments can improve the speed, quality, and cost of goods and services, but they also displace large numbers of workers.

What are the types of communication technology?

There are four main types of communication technology that have contributed to the ease of sending messages: telephone, radio, television, and internet.

What does the future of communication look like?

The Future of Communication Technology. 1. The Future of Communication Technology.What technology will look like in 2021 By: Allyson Pipta. 2. Dream Big• Taking a look back at 10 years ago, it is simply amazing to see how communication technology has advanced and changed.

Why is the future of communication technology important?

The Future of Communication Technology. Involves the audience actively seeking out specific media and content to achieve results or gratifications that satisfy their personal needs.• This important for future innovations because people are always going to seek media that is gratifying for them personally.

Who is the author of the future of communication?

16. @jangles The Future of Communication Neville Hobson @jangles London, November 4, 2013 This presentation deck and original content in it is copyright 2013 Neville Hobson. It was first used in a meeting of the IABC EMENA Region Leadership Institute in London on November 4, 2013.

What is the future of communication technology by Allyson pipta?

No notes for slide The Future of Communication Technology 1. The Future of Communication Technology.What technology will look like in 2021 By: Allyson Pipta 2. Dream Big• Taking a look back at 10 years ago, it is simply amazing to see how communication technology has advanced and changed.

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