How do you do Project E?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How do you do Project E?

Passive EMC generation

  1. Start with just a single Energy Collector MK1, placed adjacent to an Energy Condenser.
  2. Open the condenser and put a piece of Alchemical Coal in the top-left slot.
  3. Wait.
  4. Periodically clear out the Alchemical Coal and put it into your Transmutation Table.

What mod adds EMC?

Name EMC
Mod Equivalent Exchange 2
Type Mechanic

What version is Project E?

Creator sinkillerj
Type Alchemy
Latest Version PE 1.9.4
Minecraft Version 1.7.10

What can you do with Project E?

It allows users to transmute materials into other materials, using various items and machines. It adds a system known as Energy-Mass Currency, or EMC, which is used to represent the values of items. This value differs from item to item, and is used in determining how much of one material another requires.

How do you make a tome of knowledge?

The Tome of Knowledge is an item added by ProjectE. The Tome of Knowledge can be consumed by a Transmutation Table or Tablet (left-clicking on the GUI’s fire slot with the Tome) to allow the player to transmute all items that have EMC….Project EX.

hide Items
Components Iron Band

How do you make a tome of knowledge projecte?

The Tome of Knowledge is an item added by ProjectE. The Tome of Knowledge can be consumed by a Transmutation Table or Tablet (left-clicking on the GUI’s fire slot with the Tome) to allow the player to transmute all items that have EMC….This article is a stub.

Tome of Knowledge
Type Item

What mod has the transmutation table?

Transmutation Table
Mod ProjectE
Type Machine
EMC value 260 EMC

How do you add a project to crazy craft?

Install CrazyCraft with ProjectE

  1. Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy.
  2. Type in the modpack name (CrazyCraft with ProjectE) or paste the following url into the search box.
  3. Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select CrazyCraft with ProjectE from the list on the left.

What is Project E Minecraft?

ProjectE is a magic mod in development by sinkillerj. It is an open-source remake of Equivalent Exchange 2, released for Minecraft 1.7. 10 and newer. It allows users to transmute materials into other materials, using various items and machines.

What do you use EMC for in Projecte?

It adds a system known as Energy-Mass Currency, or EMC, which is used to represent the values of items. This value differs from item to item, and is used in determining how much of one material another requires. EMC can also be stored and produced through other means. EMC is also used by certain blocks and items to carry out powerful effects.

What can you do with Projecte mods in Minecraft?

Transmutation tables, collectors, condensers, flying rings, and all the other trinkets you love are here. Discover powerful alchemical tools, items, and devices. Break down unwanted items into EMC (Energy-Matter Covalence) and use that EMC to create new items. The ProjectE mod now uses EE2 textures per community vote and permission from x3n0ph0b3.

How to add EMC values to AE2 items?

I have been trying to add emc values to items from applied energistics 2 For instance the gold processor: S:appliedenergistics2:item.ItemMultiMaterial E:2138 M:22 When I go back in game the processor still doesn’t have an emc value Am I doing something wrong, can AE2 items not be given emc values? All help is appreciated

How to create custom EMC guide in RuneScape?

Search for the item in nei and mouse over it and the names will show in the item tooltip. If i search for Thaumcraft shards in NEI and hover over i see “Air Shard 4115” followed by “Thaumcraft” as the mod, i’m guessing neither of those are the values i’m looking for as i’m fairly sure they showed up before.

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