Did Smokey the Bear ever say only you can prevent forest fires?

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Did Smokey the Bear ever say only you can prevent forest fires?

Smokey Bear was born on Aug. 9, 1944, when the U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council agreed that a fictional bear would be the symbol for their joint effort to promote forest fire prevention. In 1947, his slogan became the familiar “Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires!” …

Why did Smokey the Bear’s slogan change?

According to the bear’s official bio, the change was “in response to a massive outbreak of wildfires in natural areas other than forests and to clarify that Smokey is promoting the prevention of unwanted and unplanned outdoor fires versus prescribed fires.”

What Bear says only you can prevent forest fires?

Smokey Bear’s
Smokey Bear’s famous slogan, “Only you can prevent forest fires,” was added in 1947 by the Wartime Advertising Council, known today as the Ad Council. The first artist’s rendering of Smokey was created by Albert Staehle (http://www.albertstaehle.info/) in 1944. Staehle was followed by numerous other Smokey artists.

What is Smokey the Bear slogan?

Smokey’s face appeared on posters with his famous slogan: “only you can prevent forest fires.” In 2001, the slogan was updated to: “only you can prevent wildfires.” Smokey has also appeared on postage stamps, billboards and even a hot-air balloon.

Why is Smokey the Bear bad?

Some scientists now believe that the simple idea that fire is bad has made some forests more susceptible to flame—a phenomenon that they call the “Smokey Bear effect.” Areas where fires have been prevented for decades have simply been storing “fuel,” like underbrush growth and dead standing trees.

Is Smokey Bear Real?

The “real” Smokey Bear was a cub found in a tree in the midst of a wildfire in New Mexico’s Capitan Mountains in 1950. Badly burned on his paws and hind legs, the cub was rescued and treated. He lived out his days at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., as the living symbol of Smokey Bear.

Why Smokey the Bear is bad?

Is Smokey the Bear Real?

Is Smokey Bear still used?

Smokey Bear lived at the National Zoo for 26 years. Little Smokey died August 11, 1990. Upon the death of the original bear on November 9, 1976, his remains were returned by the government to Capitan, New Mexico, and buried at Smokey Bear Historical Park, operated by the New Mexico State Forestry Division.

Is Smokey the Bear a grizzly?

Smokey is a black bear. American black bears live in the United States, along with brown, grizzly and polar bears. He weighs over 300 pounds. Smokey has black bear relatives who weigh as much as 800 pounds, and some of his grizzly bear cousins weigh almost a ton (that’s 2,000 pounds)!

Why do they call it the bear fire?

One was called the Bear fire. When those fires merged, they take on the name of the largest fire. The largest fire was the Bear fire, so the entire fire got called the Bear fire.

Why Smokey the bear is bad?

How to prevent wildfires according to Smokey Bear?

To help protect these amazing places, remember Smokey’s Five Rules of Wildfire Prevention: 1 Only you can prevent wildfires 2 Always be careful with fire 3 Never play with matches or lighters 4 Always watch your campfire 5 Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it

When did the Smokey Bear Forest Fire campaign start?

A campaign began in 1944 featuring Smokey and the slogan “Smokey Says – Care Will Prevent 9 out of 10 Forest Fires”. His slogan changed to “Remember… Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires” in 1947 and was associated with Smokey Bear for more than five decades.

Why was Smokey Bear important during World War 2?

Smokey Bear, the U.S. Forest Service’s popular icon of wildfire prevention, was created during World War II to publicize the need to protect a critical natural resource—wood. To combat the incidence of human-caused forest fires, the U.S. Forest Service established the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention ( CFFP) program in 1942.

Where did the slogan Only you can prevent forest fires come from?

Smokey Bear’s famous slogan, “Only you can prevent forest fires,” was added in 1947 by the Wartime Advertising Council, known today as the Ad Council. The first artist’s rendering of Smokey was created by Albert Staehle ( http://www.albertstaehle.info/) in 1944. Staehle was followed by numerous other Smokey artists.

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