What is Muskingum method used for?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is Muskingum method used for?

The Muskingum routing procedure is used for systems that have Storage – Discharge relationships that are hysteretic. That is, for systems for which the outflow is not a unique function of storage. The S vs. O relationship for the river reach under consideration is graphed below.

How is Muskingum calculated?

A simplified Muskingum routing equation is developed. The method is based on the specification of the space and time intervals Δx and Δt such that X = 0 and K = Δt. In this case, the routing equation reduces to the computation of a simple average.

What is Muskingum Cunge?

The Muskingum-Cunge method is a method of flood routing that improves on the classical Muskingum method (Chow, 1959) by using physical-numerical principles established by Cunge to calculate the routing parameters (Cunge, 1969).

Which of the following are the Muskingum storage equations?


  • I = inflow to the reach [m3/s]
  • O = outflow from the reach [m3/s]
  • S = storage in the reach [m3]
  • t = time [s]
  • x = weighting coefficient.
  • k = storage constant [s]

What is river routing?

In hydrology, routing is a technique used to predict the changes in shape of a hydrograph as water moves through a river channel or a reservoir. If the water flow at a particular point, A, in a stream is measured over time with a flow gauge, this information can be used to create a hydrograph.

What is built to stop flood?

Other techniques include the construction of levees, dikes, dams, reservoirs1 or retention ponds to hold extra water during times of flooding.

What is flood routing?

Flood Routing is a method that is applied to describe the processes in the water course, and it is used to predict the temporal and spatial variation of a flood wave, at one ore more points along a water course (river or channel).

What is the flood routing?

What is the basic equation of flood routing?

The equation of continuity used in all hydrologic routing as the primary equation states that the difference between the inflow and outflow rate is equal to the rate of change of storage, i.e. The peak of the outflow hydrograph will be smaller than of the inflow hydrograph.

What is flow routing?

Flow routing is a network routing technology that takes variations in the flow of data into account to increase routing efficiency. A flow router evaluates traffic flows in real time, based on an ID, route, time of receipt and rate of flow, to keep streaming traffic moving as quickly as possible.

What is level pool routing?

Level pool routing is a flow routing procedure used to determine the outflow hydrograph from a level pool or reservoir (e.g., a detention basin) given an inflow hydrograph and the storage-outflow characteristics of the reservoir. Relationship between the inflow, outflow, and storage over time (from Mays, 2012).

How can we prevent rain from flooding?

Here are some tips to prevent flooding during heavy rain.

  1. 1- Clear Storm Drains. Storm drains are exactly what they sound like, drains to divert excess water.
  2. 2- Clean Gutters and Downspouts.
  3. 3- Sump Pump.
  4. 4- Install Backflow Prevention Device.
  5. 5- Sandbags.
  6. 6- Clogged Drains.

How to use Muskingum to route a hydrograph?

Use the Muskingum routing procedure to route the hydrograph tabulated below through the same river reach of Part A Select a D t = 1 h, as suggested by the inflow data. However, check that with the selected D t, parameter values meet restrictions: x < 0.5 D t/k < 1 – x For this case: 0.1515 < (0.5) (3600)/8284.73 < 1 – 0.1515 Thus, OK.

What is the Muskingum-Cunge method for flood routing?

The Muskingum-Cunge method is a method of flood routing that improves on the classical Muskingum method (Chow, 1959) by using physical-numerical principles established by Cunge to calculate the routing parameters (Cunge, 1969).

How is outflow discharge defined in the Muskingum method?

In the Muskingum method, outflow discharge Qj+1n+1 is expressed as follows (refer to Fig. 1) The satisfaction of Eqs. 5 and 6 implies that Δ x and Δ t are fixed. In effect, K is defined as the time it takes a flood discharge to travel distance Δ x with celerity c : FIG. 1.- Space-time discretization in the Muskingum method.

How are the parameters of the Muskingum routing equation determined?

The Muskingum method and its variations are well established in the flood routing literature. Traditionally, its parameters K and X have been determined by calibration using measured inflow and outflow hydrographs.

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