Why does splenectomy cause sepsis?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

Why does splenectomy cause sepsis?

The spleen is necessary for protection against encapsulated bacteria (see Mechanism) and as such when removed by splenectomy it can lead to rapid unchallenged infection by encapsulated bacteria. The rapid progression from mild viral symptoms to sepsis is one of the things that makes OPSI particularly dangerous.

Which organism causes infection after splenectomy?

Overwhelming post-splenectomy infection is usually caused by the encapsulated bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis and more than half of those infected die.

What are the symptoms of Capnocytophaga?

People who are infected with Capnocytophaga can have a range of signs and symptoms such as:

  • Blisters around the bite wound within hours of the bite.
  • Redness, swelling, draining pus, or pain at the bite wound.
  • Fever.
  • Diarrhea and/or stomach pain.
  • Vomiting.
  • Headache and/or confusion.
  • Muscle or joint pain.

What causes Capnocytophaga canimorsus?

The Capnocytophaga germs that are common in dogs and cats can be spread to people through a bite or after close contact with dogs or cats. Infections are more often linked to dog bites or dog contact.

How long is risk of sepsis in patients with splenectomy?

The period of highest risk for infections is during the first 3 years post-splenectomy; however, the risk remains elevated throughout an individual’s lifespan, indicated by the reported occurrence of cases of fulminant infection 20 years after splenectomy [6].

Which is the commonest post splenectomy infection?

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, pneumococcus was considered the predominant cause of infection post-splenectomy (57-87%). However, recent studies suggest that Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae (type b) are also common etiologic agents [28,29].

How is Capnocytophaga treated?

Capnocytophaga infection can be treated with prescription medicine called antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacterial germs like Capnocytophaga. It is important to call your doctor if you have been bitten by a dog or cat or believe that you might be infected with Capnocytophaga germs.

Does splenectomy affect life expectancy?

Although the series of patients is small, it seems that splenectomy did not have an adverse effect on life expectancy. The haematological status and the quality of life improved after splenectomy in 17 of 19 patients.

What are the side effects of splenectomy in dogs?

Complications of Splenectomy. In dogs, complications of splenectomy include the typical post-operative ones like incision infections and poor healing. Depending on the underlying cause for splenectomy, blood transfusions and repair of fractures may be necessary.

What happens when a spleen is removed in a dog?

Occasionally spleens grow masses. These are generally either benign or malignant tumors. In dogs, most splenic masses are either hemangiomas or hemangiosarcomas. What does the spleen do and what happens when it is removed? Toggle navigation Home About

Which is the leading cause of sepsis in dogs?

C. canimorsus has emerged as a leading cause of sepsis, particularly post-splenectomy sepsis, and meningitis after dog bites. Alcoholism Animals

Can a dog go back to work after a splenectomy?

Once discharged from the hospital following splenectomy, dogs can resume normal activity once the incision is well healed. While the indications for splenectomy sound a bit scary, the surgery itself seems straightforward in the dog.

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